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aka Justene. This blog is a place to check out more of my work, and get a special look into my wedding & portrait experience.
Hi, I'm Jbaby

If something about the idea of these kinds of photos being your bridal portraits deeply appeals to you: I know. I get it. You are probably weird like me, and feel very intensely about expressing your individuality.

When I get the chance on wedding days, I love setting up intense, or dynamic and different-from-the-typical-wedding-day lighting situations. These particular shots are from a workshop hosted by @brittanyboote, designed to inspire couples & vendors to dream up their fullest vision for an amazing (and might I even say, ‘extra’) wedding day.

On this set, I was playing around with some red lighting and thought, “I wonder if there's any couples out there that would be into their portraits kind of looking like this?”. They’re moody, darker, and really really not traditional. When it comes to taking portraits, I always want to expand my creativity WITH my couples— not only documenting their day, but also showing off their unique personalities that are (what I believe) make their relationship so set apart.

And… of course, let’s be real. Wedding days are LONG, and the list of ‘photos-to-get’ can already be extensive and seem exhausting knowing you have to hold a smile for more than 5 minutes straight (try it if you haven’t — its a workout!!)

With the right vendors, your wedding day CAN be relaxed, fun, and even allow for time to even get creative (and weird). Is it really ‘out-there’ to set up a shit ton of candles seance-style and make it editorial? Not to me.
As a girl that’s all about the details, planning is huge to me when it comes every wedding. And with the right planning, this stuff is totally a reality on your wedding day. I always make sure to set apart the time during consultations with couples to get to know them, what sets their relationship apart, what their vision for the day is, their personalities, what they like to do, and more. I value these things because getting truly creative always comes from connection.

So… here’s me throwing a line out in hopes that you (potentially a bride/groom-to-be) might want to get creative with me on a wedding day too.

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Hi! I'm Justene, but my friends all call me Jbaby.

Rebel, dreamer, creative, empath, animal + nature enthusiast, and fashion lover, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

... My heart is made up of quite a few things, as you can see.

Not only am I a photographer/ videographer, but a mama of two cats, well traveled explorer, and fashion stylist. Through all of these things, I get to connect with people, but its my empathic nature that allows me to really get deep with it all. Celebrating people + stories through these relationships is what lights my creative heart up.